• The congress theme of Inter-Noise 2023 is Quieter Society with Diversity & Inclusion
  • The technical program will cover all aspects of noise control engineering, acoustics and vibration, arranging 18 technical areas and 100+ structured sessions. (see Abstracts Information)
  • In the program, pre-recorded presentations are assigned as well as onsite oral presentations, and will be streamed at the venue.
  • In the technical program, a special area entitled “Theme-related & Novel Approaches” is provided, which includes three interdisciplinary sessions: “Inclusive Design of Sound Environment”, “Diversity of Local Noise Issues in the World” and “Noise Control during/after the Pandemic Era”.
  • Six distinguished speakers will offer two plenary and four keynote lectures on various topics. (see Distinguished Lectures)
  • As special events, opening and closing ceremonies, Yong Professionals workshop and social networking event are planned.


  • August 20 (Sun)
    Registration Desk Opens: 14:00–, Entrance Hall (International Conference Hall, 1F)
    Opening Ceremony & Plenary Lecture 1: 16:00–, Int’l Conf Rm (2F)
    Opening Reception & Exhibition: 18:00–, Lobby (2F)
  • August 21 (Mon)
    Keynote Lectures 1 & 2, Technical Sessions, Poster & Exhibition
  • August 22 (Tue)
    Keynote Lectures 3 & 4, Technical Sessions, Poster & Exhibition
    Congress Banquet: 19:00–, Int’l Conf Rm (2F)
  • August 23 (Wed)
    Technical Sessions & Exhibition
    Plenary Lecture 2 & Closing Ceremony: 15:20–, Int’l Conf Rm (2F)
    Closing Reception: 17:30–, Cafeteria “WORLD KITCHEN!” (Central Mall, 2F)